Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday (hers): Frankies Shaved Brussel Sprouts

I tried the shaved brussel sprouts with lemon and castelrosso cheese the last time I ate at Frankies, and was determined to try making it at home myself. Luckily, the recipe could be easily found online. I love Frankies so much that I probably should buy the recipe book soon. This is a wonderful and easy salad recipe. If I ever entertain and have friends, I will definitely make it. You simply shave the brussel sprouts and toss them with a 1/2 lemon, 1/2 olive oil (plus a little salt) dressing. I didn't have castelrosso, but since it kind of tastes like feta (the waitress at Frankies described castelrosso as "like feta"), I just used that instead. Yum!

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