Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday (His): Five Guys Hamburger and Fries

Stopped in at Five Guys before watching "True Grit" for the second time. It was a good decision. The hamburger was better than I remembered. But then again, I was probably hungry. I didn't have all the fixings as the above stock photo, but had the double burger with raw onions, pickles, ketchup and mustard. The fries were what I remembered, good but not great. It did make me think fondly of Madison, however. It was so easy just to walk to Five Guys and so many other places. And "True Grit" was just as good or even better than I remembered from the first time.

1 comment:

  1. maybe Fives Guys tastes better in other states. That looks pretty good, and yet I can't understand their national appeal given the experiences I've had at their restaurants.
